A leader of a new effort to teach cybersecurity to local community organizations and the public at large offers some basic tips to get everyone started.

1. Keep everything up to date

Many breaches, including the 2017 one at the Equifax credit bureau that exposed the financial information of almost every American adult, boil down to someone leaving out-of-date software running. Most major computer companies issue regular updates to protect against newly emerging vulnerabilities.

2. Use strong, unique passwords

Remembering passwords, especially complicated ones, isn’t fun, which is why so much work is going into finding better alternatives. For the time being, though, it’s important to use unique passwords that are different for each site, and not easy-to-hack things like “123456” or “password.”

3. Enable multi-factor authentication

In many situations, websites are requiring users not only to provide a strong password but also to type in a separate code from an app, text message or email message when logging in. It is an extra step, and it’s not perfect, but multi-factor authentication makes it much harder for a hacker to break into your accounts.

4. Encrypt and back up your most important data

If you can, encrypt the data that’s stored on your smartphone and computer. If a hacker copies your files, all he’ll get is gibberish, rather than, for instance, your address book and financial records. This often involves installing software or changing system settings. Some manufacturers do this without users even knowing, which helps improve everyone’s security.

5. Be careful using public Wi-Fi

When using public Wi-Fi, anyone nearby who is connected to the same network can listen in on what your computer is sending and receiving across the internet. You can use free browsers like Tor, which was originally developed to provide secure communications for the U.S. Navy, to encrypt your traffic and camouflage what you’re doing online.


Source: 5 ways to protect yourself from cybercrime

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