AI deployment is increasing rapidly across industries in a variety of application areas. The convergence of sensor-driven technologies and other tools is resulting in AI-powered systems that can meet customers wherever they are and form the basis of the new user interface. Evolving AI technologies are helping to create systems that can be deployed wherever the customer is located, make sense of unstructured data, and offer learned insights, among other capabilities. While the hype around AI may be off the charts, it is also no longer a futuristic dream. It is in your smart-home device, your robotic vacuum, and your virtual voice assistant. It isRead More →

Technology is at a inflection point and that the principle discussion in the workplace at the moment is how to manage the convergence of these four trends. 1. Cloud Computing Software is now being offered as a service (i.e., cloud-based, where you are essentially leasing vs. purchasing it) for the past 10 years. 2. IoT The IoT has allowed manufacturers to put sensors at the “edge” of their processes, so that they have much more data from many more areas within their operations to allow them to not only more quickly respond to downtime, but also predict when those events can occur. 3. Big DataRead More →